Assembly & Instructions
(You must read the Terms & Conditions before downloading)
updasted on 9/14/24
In legal terms the responsibility of the HHO or Fuel Vaporizer or fuel saver circuits falls into the hands of the driver. We can supply you with the parts and instructions. Please remember safety is no accident.
Call us with any questions, if we are not attending the phone you can e-mail us your questions. We left up all old instructions for reference and knowledge. Some of the cell designs are not available and moved on to better designs.
Listen to this video, all 10 parts, if you want to hear about this technology. Not a myth or a crime. Hear it from the man who is ahead of his field, from a recent Hydrogen Show. 2/09 Then listen to Chris Patton's interview with Bob,
part 1 - part 9. updated 8/21/23
We have been providing HHO water fuel cell kits since 2007

Complete HHO kits for I4, V6, V8
up to 15L engines, diesel or gas
Download the .pdf & .jpg files below. * Please note : We give away all of our instructions to our valued customers & their friends & family to further the addition of HydroxyGas™ to better our lives. To learn about the use of hydrogen & oxygen. A wonderful energy source to pursue. Please don't copy this info. and paste onto some other websites.
In 2019 we joined up with Hydrogen Generators USA We took over their 12 year cell design, modified to fit Bob Boyce™'s 1981 H2O sealed series cell design patent. We will cleanse and condition the H2O cells to comply with his license.

Download Adobe Acrobat Reader for FREE!
(.pdf file reader)
update 9/26/24
How to adjust your new "Air/Fuel Mixture Display" and learn
how the "Tuning of your Air/Fuel Ratio" is done.
A very recommended reading if you bought a Air/Fuel
LED display kit from us.

(electrolyte) for the BEST DEAL!

Newly Purchased ScanGauges Include Add-A-Gauge™ & XGauge.
Add 25 more gauges to your Scangauge II
Download the ScanGaugeII instructions All customers who
buy a Scangauge II from us, please ask us for the
Scangauge II hydrogen booster capabilities info.
Will the ScanGaugeII work on my vehicle?
Will the ScanGaugeII be able to clear my trouble codes and
turn off my "Check Engine" light?

Best Water in the world,
can be at your home tap!
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Hydrogen Garage LLC • California • USA