Ice Block 77 Plate Cell Block (7 plate cell, 7"x 7" plates)
Jerome the Hydrogen Junkie, is making his HHO cells again. H2O cell design going. Same design for HHO boosting 1.5L to 4.0L engines, gas or diesel. Makes more gas then the S7 cell. Good for V6 engines. This 7 plate design is a Bob Boyce design : 2 power plates and 5 neutral plates. A sealed, series water. A very efficent cell. Sealing the cells from each other also strengthens the magnetic field inside the cell, with more push pull on the neutral plates, then spending most of the higher voltage escaping though the plate holes. We use only 316L Stainless plates. USA PA. steel.
Bob Boyce™ Cleansed and Condition option add $50.00 Explained here.